Lucky tips for Swertres 11/18/2012
Pick your Swertres numbers from these pyramids.
Top number is hottest number for the month of June. Last number is coldest number. You can change the position of the numbers in the pyramid and create several number combinations by forming small pyramids.
Note: Don't use if you feel that doubles (i.e 227,121 etc.) will hit today.
Tips given here may come out tonight or until 7-10 draws. Just choose which numbers to maintain.
Results will be color coded as follows
Rambolito if results is not in exact order.
Straight if result is in exact order as drawn.
11 Am
5 7
4 0 9
8 2 6 3
9 5
4 0 7
8 1 6 3
8 1
9 7 3
0 6 4 2
Pick your Swertres numbers from these stack:
Tip for whole week: Maintain numbers for 1 week. Use tic tac toe method.
11 am
8-0-0 3-5-5
2-4-4 7-9-9
4-6-6 9-1-1
4 pm
7-9-5 2-4-0
1-3-9 6-8-4
3-5-1 8-0-6
5-0-6 0-5-1
7-4-0 2-9-5
1-6-2 6-1-7
Tips for Todays Swertres draw using last nights result:
11 am
Tips for todays Swertres based on last 3 draws.
Tic-Tac-Toe Numbers to play:
9 | 0 | 8 Columns: 943, 076, 896
--+---+-- Corners: 490, 089, 966, 634
4 | 7 | 9 Middle Cross: 470, 079, 976, 674
--+---+-- Diagonals: 976, 873
3 | 6 | 6 Diagonal Pairs: 97, 96, 76, 87, 83, 73
Additional target numbers:
439 502 675 748 811 984 057 120 293
670 984 298 502 816 120 434 748 052
Tic-Tac-Toe Numbers to play:
7 | 3 | 9 Columns: 736, 311, 912
--+---+-- Corners: 373, 391, 121, 163
3 | 1 | 1 Middle Cross: 313, 311, 111, 113
--+---+-- Diagonals: 712, 916
6 | 1 | 2 Diagonal Pairs: 71, 72, 12, 91, 96, 16
Additional target numbers:
785 858 921 094 167 230 303 476 549
926 230 544 858 162 476 780 094 308
Tic-Tac-Toe Numbers to play:
0 | 3 | 7 Columns: 075, 337, 711
--+---+-- Corners: 703, 371, 117, 757
7 | 3 | 1 Middle Cross: 733, 331, 137, 737
--+---+-- Diagonals: 031, 735
5 | 7 | 1 Diagonal Pairs: 03, 01, 31, 73, 75, 35
Additional target numbers
644 717 880 953 026 199 262 335 408
885 199 403 717 021 335 649 953 267
P.S. Please check previous tips up to ten days ago to see if previous tips came out today.Or check previous draws to see which numbers might be drawn tonight. Thanks.